Published on 1/6/2025
On June 6, 2024, Jacob was pulled over in the Town of Ramapo. He was charged with speeding 40 miles per hour in a 15 mph school zone. Speeding 25 mph over the speed limit in a school zone is a six-point ticket. School zone speeding tickets are more serious than regular speeding tickets because they carry double fines. Upon conviction, the judge could have imposed a fine of up to $600 + $93 mandatory surcharge. There also would have been a minimum $300 Driver Responsibility Assessment Fee for getting six points in 18 months and increased insurance rates.
Jacob retained the Benjamin Goldman Law Office to help fight the ticket. Attorneys from the Benjamin Goldman Law Office commenced plea bargain negotiations with the town prosecutor. They offered to drop the charged speed to speeding 25 mph in a 15-mph zone. This would reduce the points from six to three, get it out of school zone violation, reduce the fines, and reduce the exposure to increased insurance rates. However, the defendant rejected this plea offer.
The Benjamin Goldman Law Office filed a motion to dismiss on several grounds. In a Decision dated November 26, 2024, Justice Alejandra Silva dismissed the tickets. Judge Silva cited as the basis thereof the failure of the People to file an Affidavit of Service of the Supporting Deposition. A Supporting Deposition is a second page that should come along with a traffic ticket. But how do we know that the Supporting Deposition was served with the traffic ticket? The law requires that the person that served the Supporting Deposition also file an Affidavit of Service of the Supporting Deposition. The attorneys from the Benjamin Goldman Law Office were successful in getting the school zone speeding ticket dismissed entirely with no points and no fine.
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