Canadian Citizens With Speeding Tickets in New York State
Published on 3/17/2015
Kilometers Per Hour vs. Miles Per Hour
Kilometers and miles both measure distance. A kilometer is smaller than a mile, which meansa driver traveling at a certain speed will cover more kilometers than miles. This means someone driving 65 kilometers per hour is not driving as fast as someone driving 65 miles per hour. With a speed limit of 65 miles per hour, the correct speed of KMH would be 104 KMH per hour. Canadian residents frequently run into problems in the United States due to innocent mistakes with the kilometer to mile conversion.
Canadian Residents Driving in New York
Many Canadian residents drive into New York State with their vehicle speedometer set to kilometers per hour. Ideally the car settings should be changed when driving in New York, Absent this change, Canadian motorists need to ensure that they are calculating the kilometers per hour while driving in New York..
Confusion between the two measurements can result in prohibitive speeding tickets. In New York, traffic ticket fines can be costly. Making matters worse is that New York State has reciprocity with Ontario and Quebec. This means violations in New York will result in demerit points in the relevant Canadian province This will impact insurance premiums.
Canadian Handling Speeding Ticket in New York
If you are from Canada, your ticket should not be handled the same way as a non-Canadian. The reason is that the Reciprocity Agreement is limited to specific violations. This means a violation that will impact a NY driver will not necessarily impact a Canadian driver, and vice versa. An experienced New York traffic ticket defense attorney is in the best position to get you the ideal disposition, one that is not reflected on your local driving record.
Benjamin Goldman Law Office PC
The Benjamin Goldman Law Office is a New York State traffic ticket law firm. We practice state-wide and take cases in New York City, Long Island, Upstate New York, North Country, Mohawk Valley, Capital District, Western New York, Finger Lakes, Central New York, and Southern Tier The Benjamin Goldman Law Office provides all motorists with a free consultation. You can contact us via text, call, email, or website submission. We will be glad to review your ticket and advise you on your options. Contact us at your convenience.